Winter Beer Pairing

With over 80+ variations of beer out there, it can be hard to figure out where to begin if you’re interested in finding one to enjoy. Author and beer connoisseur Jen Price has made things easier with her book, The Chick’s Guide to Beer. Although the title specifically targets people of the female persuasion, the tips can be used by anyone. This guide offers seven simple rules: Know The History, What Is It?, Talk The Talk, Your Perfect Fit, Do It Right, Always Swallow, and Try It With Food. I got a taste (pun intended) of the last rule when I attended Jen’s Winter Beer Pairing event, in partnership with my friends over at CulinaryLocal.

Y’all know how much I love brunch. So I was excited to enjoy pairings of brunch bites with beer with Jen. I headed to the Atlanta Beer Boutique for the special event. Here’s what we ate and, of course, drank!

Saison Champenoise & Crepe Purse

Applewood Gold & Fish Taco Bites

Peach Belgian Blonde & Chicken Sliders

BBA Feest Noel Christmas Quad & Chocolate Stout Brownies

Are you a lady who’s a fan of beers? Share some of your favorites with me!

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